Solar Flour Mill (Chakki)

- Long travel time due to non- availability of flour mills in the village and people have to travel to city to get wheat crushed on daily basis.
- Long waiting time as backlog at grid operated flour mill shop due to frequent power breakdown in the city during the day.
- Repeated visit to flour mill shops as people have to go back or wait for grid power to resume and then wait again for their turn.
- Co2 emission from diesel operated flour mills.
- High cost of crushing wheat from diesel operated and grid operated flour mills.
- Higher fuel cost as people have to make repeated visits to flour mill shop due to grid failure and again increase in pollution from motor bikes.
- Incorrect electricity bills sent to consumers which is on higher side.
- No peace of mind due to above problems effecting health of the people.

Solution / Impact of our solar powered flour mill
- No travel time to the city as we have installed solar powered flour mill inside the village where it is easily accessible by the people in the community.
- No waiting time as services are provided on the spot.
- No repeated visits and loss of time as well as no extra fuel cost as flour millis inside the village.
- No co2 emission and environmentally friendly. 300 tons of co2 saved in 6 months by a 10 hp solar powered flour mill we have installed.
- Low cost, as wheat crushing services are provided at lower rates as compared to grid and diesel operated flour mills.
- No issue of incorrect billing and no unwanted visits to power company offices.
- Complete peace of mind.
So again, the impact we have created by installing solar powered flour mill is on environment, economy, social and personal.